Their wrath will be my vengeance.” Netflix has launched the full red band trailer for the R-rated versions of Rebel Moon, the epic Zack Snyder sci-fi saga. Snyder teased this version last year when the first Part 1 opened in late 2023. This is the definitive, actually-what-he-wanted-to-make version of this movies – hard R in every sense. The new Director’s Cut movies are titled Rebel Moon – Chapter One: Chalice of Blood and Rebel Moon – Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness.
These an original Zack Snyder creation, a Star Wars-esque sci-fi adventure about a ragtag team of rebels. In a universe controlled by a corrupt militaristic government, the moon of Veldt is threatened by the forces of the Imperium, the army of the Mother World controlled by “Regent Balisarius”. Sofia Boutella stars as Kora – a former member of the Imperium who rallies warriors from across the galaxy to fight back against them