“Hocus Pocus 3” (2024) brings back the beloved Sanderson sisters for another magical adventure, with a new twist that introduces fresh faces and more chaos in Salem. The film marks the return of Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler, and Kathy Najimy as the wickedly funny Sanderson sisters—Sarah, Winifred, and Mary—who once again come back from the dead to cause mayhem. This time, the witches face off against a new, powerful sorceress played by Hannah Waddingham, adding a thrilling new dynamic to the story.
The movie opens with Salem preparing for the 350th anniversary of the Sanderson sisters’ infamous witch trials. Teenagers Cassie (played by a rising young star) and Eli stumble upon an ancient spellbook in a hidden part of the Salem museum.
In their excitement and curiosity, they accidentally recite an incantation that brings the Sanderson sisters back to life once again. However, this time the witches find themselves in a more modern world that has grown even more unfamiliar to them, complete with social media, smartphones, and all the technological advancements they struggle to understand.
As the Sanderson sisters seek out the spell that will make their resurrection permanent, they quickly learn that they are not the only magical beings in Salem. Enter Hannah Waddingham’s character, Morgana, a centuries-old sorceress with her own agenda.
Unlike the Sanderson sisters, who are mostly driven by mischief and self-preservation, Morgana’s magic is darker and more dangerous, and she is determined to use the power of the sisters to awaken an ancient evil. Morgana seeks to harness their magic for her own sinister purposes, creating an alliance that neither the Sandersons nor the town of Salem are prepared for.
The teenagers, along with some familiar faces from the previous films, band together to stop Morgana and the Sanderson sisters from wreaking havoc on Salem. But the witches, with their quirky personalities and magical antics, once again prove to be a mix of humorous disaster and unexpected heart.
With a blend of slapstick comedy, spooky mischief, and new magical threats, “Hocus Pocus 3” promises to capture the same nostalgic charm that made the original films iconic while adding a fresh, modern storyline. As the Sanderson sisters navigate a new world and face off against a powerful sorceress, the film offers a fun, family-friendly adventure that celebrates both the past and present of the magical town of Salem.